Sunday, June 14, 2015

I'm Still Here I Swear...2 Months Squished Into One Post

Ok, where to start....

You may or may not have noticed that I haven't written a new blog post in like....2 months, but believe me I have lots to share.

This post is probably going to be a little overboard, I have that feeling that you get when you see a really good friend for the first time after being apart for a long time....all the things you NEED to share with them just can't come out of your mouth fast enough!

Shall we start with food??

Mason Jar Salads And Snacks
Ok, so I have started a new system of jarring my food...stay with me.
I have a bad habit of not getting all of my daily fruits and veggies in. This is bad not only because they are just overall necessary for survival but they help keep your hair and skin beautimus (yup that's a word, I don't care if it's not in the dictionary). 
I found out that pre-portioning out healthy food, that is ready for me to just grab on the go, is really helping me. 
As if there weren't enough uses for mason's another one. Usually on the weekend I will make up salads and put them in large mouth mason jars and then use smaller jars to fill with chopped fruit and veggies. In the morning before work I just grab from the fridge and go!!
The jars are so amazing at keeping things fresh all week that I have no idea why everyone is not doing this!!

For the salads I just did a traditional one with all the things I like and then I did a pasta salad.
In these pictures I have the dressing already in the bottom of the jars because I thought it would just marinate the veggies but I found out that I don't actually like I don't do that anymore!! I just add it in right before eating and shake it up to coat the lettuce. 
For the pasta salad jars I added whole wheat cooked pasta, spinach, and tomatoes then added balsamic dressing, but there are so many options for that as well!!

As for the dressing, I thought I would try making my own and it was so stinkin' good people!!
It tastes so much better than pre-made stuff.

Fresh Lemon Salad Dressing
1/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
1/4 cup + 3 Tablespoons olive oil
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
3 Tablespoons honey
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper 

Put all ingredients in a jar....and shake!

If your like me and decide to take these to work, your going to get a few looks and questions about why your eating out of jars but you won't care because your coworkers are missing out on a great idea!!

DIY For The Bride
My bestie is getting married y' just a little over two months, therefore it's time for the festivities to begin. 

Along with some pretty spectacular bridesmaids and one amazing planner, a beautiful bridal shower was formed!
Everything about this shower with the exception of the date, time, and location were a secret to the bride which is why I couldn't post about anything until now!!! Believe me, it was killer to keep what I have been up to a secret all this time. 

For my part in the shower, it was all about the DIY to make personalized things for the bride.
The only guidelines where a shabby chic/rustic theme and cream/white colors.....we're talkin' my language people!!
I was to be in charge of creating a bridal sash, veil, various dessert items, and a pasta salad, and I was determined to deliver.

With the help of the craft store, lots of burlap, my sewing machine, and copious amounts of fabric glue (a Godsend as far as I'm concerned) this is what I created.

So I wish that I had taken step by step pictures of the production of the sash and veil but to be honest this was the first time I had attempted this project and wasn't sure how it would turn out. It was kind of one of those things where I just went into work mode and hoped everything turned out like my vision. 

For the dessert table I decided to do two things; the bride and grooms favorite cookies in jars, and rice krispies on a stick. 

The jars where pretty easy, I just cut out some burlap and attached a chalkboard bubble to each, and as for the glass jars themselves....Walmart just has everything!
All that was left to do was make the cookies.

Rice krispies on a stick don't sound too glamorous, but they sure did turn out cute!!
Not only are the easy, but they are super cheap to make!
I just followed the traditional recipe that's on the side of the rice krispie box and then while still warm, formed them into balls and placed on parchment paper. 
I drizzled them with melted white chocolate and then sprinkled them with gold sprinkles. 

I put them in the fridge overnight to make sure they set and then inserted cakepop sticks (which you can find at the craft store) that I had tied a piece of twine around. 

For the pasta salad, I decided to try something I had never had before...and it did not fail!
The ingredient list looks long and daunting but you probably have a lot of the items already and if you don't, everything on the list is very inexpensive. 

Summer Veggie Pasta Salad
12 oz. bow tie pasta
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup olive oil
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
1 Tablespoon dijon mustard
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon minced garlic
2 medium roma tomatoes
1 medium summer squash
1 medium zucchini
1 medium broccoli crown
1/2 medium red onion
2/3 of a 15 oz. jar roasted red bell peppers
1/2 bunch fresh parsely
Salt and pepper to taste 

Boil noodles until al-detente, drain, and pour into a large bowl.

In a smaller bowl combine the oils, vinegar, dijon mustard, oregano, garlic, and salt and pepper.
Whisk until combined. 

Chop veggies into bite sized pieces (or slices) and the onion and red bell peppers into thin slices. 
Add to the bowl with the cooked pasta and pour the dressing over top.
Stir until all combined and then refrigerate until your ready to eat.

The shower was so beautiful and I was so happy that I had the opportunity to make personalized items for the bride!

Mr. Owen Michael
My precious little nephew Owen Michael was born on May 19th at 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 21 inches long, and thus I became aunt Sarah!!

Last week I flew with my family to go see him....and the boy did not disappoint. Needless to say, the newest addition to the family has everyone wrapped around his tiny infant finger. 

Now I can't say I've been around many two week olds, and I may be a little biased but I'm convinced he is already far ahead of the curve. 
He is super strong and look, he is ready to beat this little toy fox up!!!

Like his auntie, he enjoys long afternoons of napping and a constant supply of food...he fits right into this family.

Next time I will see him will be in late August and I am so excited to see how much he will have changed!!

Random Tid-Bits
1. I'd say full on summer-mode has kicked in and all I want to do is be outside and keep it moving!! Most people think it's crazy, and maybe it's just the Florida girl in me, but being outside during the hottest part of the day is my favorite. I have the most energy at that point and I try and take that time to get in a work out and a little sun (which you wouldn't have guessed because my skin stays pale no matter what I do). Sweating it out in the heat makes me feel like I'm getting a better workout and getting rid of all the toxins in my body!!

2. I decided freshen up our guest room which meant getting rid of a bunch of crap and moving around furniture. Pictures will be posted once I finish decorating it, but it's finally functioning as an office and guest space instead of just a holding room for Kevin's hobbies. I'm actually writing in it right now!!
Oh, and this project reminded me how much of a pain in the ass painting is...there were plans to do the whole apartment, but those have been scrubbed for the time-being. 

3. It's still my ongoing mission to have crazy mermaid hair. Today I am trying out a new sea salt spray and I don't know if it really looks any different but somehow having sea salt in my hair makes me feel like I'm accomplishing my goal...don't judge me!!
There are big plans for it in the future so stay tuned. 

So I guess that's it for now. I feel like I'm probably leaving out a lot of other updates, but this post is probably long enough.

These next few months are going to be pretty hectic but I promise I will try and do more posts so that this doesn't happen again!

P.S. I'm not looking forward to going back and proof reading all of this :)