Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hey Shorty! The Pros And Cons Of Being A Small Girl In A Tall World.

Being on the smaller end of the size spectrum has always given me a unique perspective on, well just about everything. I've never been able to decide if that's a good thing or bad thing, so I'm going to do what I do best.

Lets start with the pros shall we?

1. Being able to fit just about anywhere- small problem, hide and seek...thats my game, need someone with small hands to get in those tight spaces...I got your back. These are the weird things that I pride myself at being pretty darn good at. I know, they're admirable. 

2. Being able to crawl on counters without judgement- listen this one sounds weird, but hey I'll take what I can get. To reach what I need out of my kitchen cabinets a short girls gotta do what a short girls gotta do, and I'm going to climb on whatever is available to get to it.
Don't judge me.

3. Skirting through crowds- when in a crowded place lets face it, you tall people may be able to see over the crowd but can you move through it? I think no. Well when this situation occurs, it's time to send in the short girl. The rules are simple;
1. Move Fast
2. Dodge elbows
It's a dangerous job, but someones got to do it. 

4. Being able to wear kids clothes- this may sound odd but have you ever seen how expensive fishing and hunting clothes are? I regularly go to sporting goods stores such as Bass Pro and Dick's Sporting Goods and as the boys stand in the same section for hours trying to decide between the green bait and the brown bait, I sneak off to the clothing section.
Ladies size small camo hunting pants- $49.99 (not that you can get a small anyways)
Youth size large camo hunting pants- $29.99
I say bingo to that deal!

5. Being able to ride in things when your tired- shopping carts, little red wagons, and some large child strollers. Walking sucks when your tired and I'm not above any of this, 'nough said. 

Ok, here we go with the cons.

1. Being able to fit just about anywhere- yes this is also listed as a pro, but it can be very much considered a con. You see, when you can fit anywhere people ask you to do some undesirable things. This includes, being forced to crawl into some gross and dark places. 

2. Trying to go grocery shopping- most of the time when I go grocery shopping I drag Kevin along to be my creeper patrol (Walmart is a scary place) but on the rare occasion that he isn't around there are always a million things I need that are out of reach. Usually there is some tall stranger lurking around that I can ask to get it for me, but when there isn't one in sight it's time to get creative. I may or may not have been known to build the occasional tower of soda boxes to reach the bottle of ginger ale way in the back of the top shame, no shame at all. (By the way, standing on something that makes me of average height never ceases to amaze people can see everything!) 

3. Looking like a child walking next to your boyfriend- listen I am constantly being mistaken for someone much younger than myself, but when your boyfriend walking next to you is much taller, wheres boots that make him even taller, and always sports a beard this happens more than normal. Being asked if your brother and bueno. (I have to say, that moment was quite the low point) 

4. Having current fashion limitations- ok, I know I said fitting into youth clothes is a pro, but this comes with the price of not being able to wear grown up clothes either!!! (did I mention the lucrative ladies size small camo pants?) You know what I'm talking about.
Exhibit A: the maxi dress.
Are those things made for giants or what? I stand next to one hanging up and it's longer than my entire body, not to mention they are everywhere I go practically mocking me....insanity I tell you. Make a maxi dress for short girls!

5. People thinking you can't do anything because your "fragile"- hearing people say that they are afraid that your going to break because your so small is really quite annoying. Due to this often repeated phrase I have noticed that I, as well as many other small girls have developed the habit of not asking for help. You think I can't carry that? Well let me show you.
Kevin has often come home to large pieces of furniture moved to a different room. He then asks how I've moved something three times my size and weight.
It's all about the pride ladies.

I don't know if I have decided if being small is a good thing or a bad thing, but I'm sure really tall girls have just as many grievances. For all you average sized girls, enjoy.

The daily struggle.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I think you're right; average height is the way to be! I'm always complaining about being tall- it's hard to find guys to date who are taller than me, if I wear heels then I feel like gigantor compared to everyone else, and I have the opposite problem with dresses than you do:. half of them turn into tunics on me! Oh well. I guess the grass is always greener. Thanks for this post; it made me giggle!
    -Jessica (the taller of the mermaids) :)
