Sunday, March 30, 2014

Frozen Chocolate Covered Banana Peanut Butter Sandwiches

Long name, tiny tasty treat. 

It may only be spring, but it's starting to feel like summer here in Florida and that means hot weather and summer treats.

These little babies are a perfect sweet morsel for those hot days and nights.
You could even say they are good for you!

Before making these the first time I thought freezing bananas would make them as hard as a rock, but quite the contrary they get creamy and delicious. 

Here is what your going to need:
  • Bananas
  • Peanut Butter (Chunky or Creamy)
  • Melted Chocolate (Optional yet recommended)

First your going to cut up your bananas. I tried to cut about two at a time before quickly putting them in the freezer. 
I didn't want them to get brown and ugly.

To make them easy to peel, I always cut the ends off first.

They don't have to be anywhere near perfect, but try and get them about a 1/4 inch thick. Because of the shape of the banana your going to get some slices that don't look so pretty but don't panic, they are going to be yummy no matter what.

Try and keep the two slices next to each other, so that when you put them together they are roughly the same size. 

Now put a healthy glob (that's a technical term) of peanut butter in between the slices. The more the better in my opinion.

Stick your plate of little sandwiches in the freezer for about an hour so that they are nice and cold. 

I recommend putting wax paper in between the bananas and the plate so that they don't stick, but I didn't have wax paper....oops!! No worries though, they easily come off if you slide a knife under them. 

Next comes the chocolate!

You can buy the Baker's Chocolate melting chips in a big bag, and use a double broiler to melt it yourself or you can be like me and take the easy way out by using these convenient cups and microwave it up.

Follow the directions and you'll get this molten bowl of deliciousness!!

Now, you can choose to cover your sandwiches any way you like, either by dipping them, dunking them, or drizzling the chocolate over them. 

After a couple of attempts I found the dunking or dipping works out better in the end even though the drizzle looks prettier.

However you choose to cover your sandwiches, stick them back in the freezer for at least another hour. Afterwards, remove them from the plate and put them in a resealable plastic bag for easy access!

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