Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Anywhere But There!!! 5 Things I Have Done To Avoid The Grocery Store.

It's that time again.
Grocery shopping.


We all despise it, but unfortunately it is a ritual we must endure on a regular basis. I have a feeling that like me, most of you have come up with some pretty crazy ideas on how to put it off for as long as possible.

Here are a few ways to put this task off, that I have personal experience with.

1. Rummaging The Pantry For Hidden Treasures
Ok, I'm going to go where we all have been but are ashamed to say we go.
The back of the pantry.
I have a very narrow yet deep pantry so things tend to get pushed back into the deep abyss and forgotten about. Therefore I often find some odd things, such as:

1. A questionably dated can of tuna (I actually didn't eat that one)
2. A pack of Ramen noodles from college that has somehow made it through two moves

The possibilities are endless (well sort of), and it means I can go one more day without going to the store so I'd say that's a success.  

2. Blaming It On The Weather
Don't laugh at me, but I actually take this into consideration. If it is raining, there is no way on Earth I am going to the grocery store!
Wet weather and grocery stores mean multiple things, none of them pleasant:
  • Grumpy people
  • Wet carts
  • Slippery floors
  • Wet clothes in the frozen food section (yeah) 
  • And one miserable boyfriend for sure
I also can't make it to the store if the weather is to nice, because that's just plain torture for the soul. So pretty much it has to be somewhere in between pleasant and miserable outside.
You can see my dilemma here.

3. Blaming It On The Day Of The Week
Like I have mentioned before I live around a lot of elderly people, who reside in retirement communities.
Thankfully some of these communities have the option to take a communal bus to places around town such as the grocery store which means they are not driving.
The downside is that if you are unfortunate enough to have bad timing, you could be stuck in an already horrible place with two bus loads of elderly people which means you've just doubled your shopping time.
If I roll up to the store and there are buses parked in front of the entrance, my car is turning around and going home. I have had to endure many painful encounters to figure out when these drop off days of the week are, but I have gotten it down pretty good.
Also, don't ever go shopping on Sunday when church just gets out, it's the most crowded time of the week. I don't know what the deal is with people worshiping and buying food on the same day, but trust me don't go there.

4. We Can Have Popcorn For Dinner Again Right?
Popcorn is a genius invention, thought of by someone who wanted a tasty and cheap food that was going to fill their families bellies without actually cooking.
Ok, I don't know about that last part but it is definitely what I use it for.
I think I can milk this for at least another five years...or until I have kids and have to give them something with some nutritious value.
Everyone loves popcorn, so it's ok!

5. I Can Make This Last A Little Longer
Listen, there are a lot of things besides food that I have made stretch just to avoid visiting the store. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Toothpaste- that tube is going to be flatter than a pancake when I'm done with it. If your a weakling like me and can't seem to get that last bit out bring out the heavy artillery. Flattening it with something heavy will do just fine. My favorite heavy tool around the house...my college Biology textbook (this makes me think of another blog post, "Odd uses for your Bio book after you've graduated").
Shampoo and Conditioner- your lying if your a girl and say that you have never done the add water and shake method of extending the life of that bottle for a couple more days.
Although, you must know the limits of this prolonging your products practice.
When your out, you are REALLY out.

When it comes to laziness and food you could always just go hungry (not preferred), and even though my boyfriend says I starve him on a regular basis DON'T BELIEVE HIM.
I feed him at least once a week.

1 comment:

  1. "The add water and shake method of extending the life of that bottle for a couple more days..."

    Yep! Been there, done that. Still do it. :)
