Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life's A Garden

Hey, lets start a garden!!
Because I have an apartment, I can't have a real garden but I have done my best with what I have to work with. 
Plus it was a fun crafty thing to do on a rainy Sunday!

I planted herbs to use for cooking.
Things always taste better when you have to work hard for them!
Starting a garden from seed has not only given me useful skills on how to provide my own food but has also taught me some lessons that I have applied towards life.

To get what you want you have to work towards it every day
For plants this means watering, snipping off the dead leaves, and positioning them in the right light.
Without doing these things, what you worked hard for is just going to wilt away.

Bugs are going to come along
Even on a second floor screened in balcony, I can't keep the bugs away all the time.
They are always popping up in one plant when I just got rid of them in another (you could probably avoid this by growing your plants indoors)
This can also be applied to life.
Bugs are always going to be popping up and instead of freaking out about it, you can choose another solution.
Try an extermination method on the infected plant, or if the whole crop is infected replant and start over. 

Fill Your Life With Simple Happiness 
There are few things as simple as seeing your little seeds first sprout that can make someone so happy.
It's simple, it's cheap, and it brings a lot of joy.
You should try it!!!

Here are some pictures of my herb garden plus a few other plants I have on my balcony.

I rescued this little book shelf from a neighbor that was going to throw it away. 
Perfect for the patio. 

I've had this cactus since freshman year of college in the dorms, when it was just a little baby. Look at it now!!

To replicate this craft, you are going to need:
Large mouth mason jars
Potting Soil
Seeds of your choice
Small rocks 
In the bottom of your mason jars place a layer of rocks. These are used to help the water drain from the soil since you can't drill a hole in the bottom of the jar.
Fill with potting soil 3/4 of the way.
Sprinkle some seeds.
Fill with potting soil the rest of the way.
And water!!

I would recommend growing your herbs indoors, on a well lite widow sill. Unfortunately I didn't have a window in a good position for this.

Now that I've conquered plants, maybe I am ready for a pet!

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