Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Looking Back From The Other Side: The Horrors Of College Exam Week Post Graduation

Twice a year a time used to come along where I was allowed to be a complete basket case and no one could judge me for it, because all I had to say was one little word;

For me, this time in my life has passed but for millions of college students around the country now is their time to be crazy.

Back in the day (you know, like last year) I was a poster child for exam week stress, just like I was at the end of every semester of school.
I had all the typical warning signs of girl at the edge of insanity:

-The blood shot eyes from not sleeping.

-The energy drink and coffee jitters caused by the caffeine running through my veins.

-The crazy hair thrown up in the birds nest I liked to call a bun.

- The sweatshirt I had been wearing for a week straight because it's the only thing that kept me somewhat calm and comfortable.

-Eating popcorn or spaghettios every night because they were the only things I could think of that required no effort.

Yup, this was me.

I thought I was starting to forget what this feeling of panic was like, until recently that is. Because when your living with someone who is still having to go through this horror, you are forced to experience it as well, just through a different perspective.

I first realized this time of the semester was upon us when going to pick Kevin up from campus.
While driving through the streets, students would randomly just decide they no longer wanted to walk on the sidewalk and would start drifting off into traffic. 
Having to be on my game and watch out for rogue jaywalking students, I thought to myself that one of three things must be happening:

1. The students contracted a zombie virus and are starting to mindlessly wander around without any regard for their own safety on the hunt for brains...of course.

2. Kids these days have no regard for anyone else around them, therefore they say "I'm going to step in front of this car, because they have to stop for me" (probably the most likely reason).

3. Or, exam week is coming and no one can be bothered by thinking about anything other than how the hell they are going to pass physics.

 There is one thing about finals week that I can honestly say I miss.
That feeling after I finished my last exam and I became free for three months!!!!
This is a feeling that no one should take for granted because sadly, once you have a full time job this will never happen again.

Since this time of my life has passed main responsibility has become being as supportive of a partner as possible while my other half bears through it. This responsibility includes but is not limited too:

-Being content with living the life of a single person for a while because you will be; eating alone, sleeping alone, watching movies alone etc. etc.

-Not letting your OCD get the best of you and cleaning when there are papers spread out over every flat surface of your household. If you even tough anything they won't be able to find that one paper that you moved and now the world is over!!

-Hiding the remote control for the xbox. It will be rough, but they will thank you in the long run....I think.

-Smacking some sense into them, when they think they are just to tired to go to their group meeting and the project is due the next day.

For those of you who are still struggling through this hell week, good luck and keep studying. For those in the supporting role to your unlucky counterpart, stay strong, it's almost over. 

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