Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Secrets Of The Blah-Blah Sisterhood

Now I'm not going to tell any actual secrets (girl code) but I feel as though this is a topic that most people (and when I say people, I mean women) can relate to.

There is this club. The beauty of this club is that at a certain point everyone is allowed in....keeping your membership is another story.
It's called....the blah-blah sisterhood.

For those of you that might not know what I'm referring to, this is a preferably small group of people to which you share the good, the bad, and the ugly.

These people are the ones that have seen your ugly cry, (you know, the one where your impossible to understand and the makeup running down your face makes you look like a character from a horror flick) and the ones who know you so well that you can communicate in facial expressions alone, when in front of non-members.

On a rare occasion your boyfriend will drift into this club unknowingly and quickly want out, but for the most part it's made up of friends and family.

When your a kid you aspire to be a part of this elite group. The phone rings...your mom picks it up...and the conversation begins.

You poke her and whisper - who's that?

 She shushes you and walks in the other direction...of course you follow.

Who are you talking to? Another shush.

It seems as though they are speaking in morse code.
He did what?...stop...well what is he going to do now?...stop...I can't believe him...stop.

Finally, after jumping around like a fool trying to hear what the voice on the other line is saying to no avail, she hangs up the phone.!!!!
Who was that?
What did they say?
Who were you guys talking about?
What did they do?

The reply is always the same. Usually she is nice enough to tell you who it was, but definitely not what they were talking about....rats!!

The day you are accepted into this club comes so suddenly, you could almost miss it completely. You and your mom are just sitting around with either a friend or a relative, and they start talking in depth details with each other about a situation you have never heard of before now...and then they ask you for your opinion.
You look behind you, and ask - who me?

Your brain finally wakes up, after partially zoning out because you thought they were just going to talk in code anyways and asks...what's going on here?
Ding!! The light bulb goes off when you realize.....your in!!!

Like I said, this is a club that everyone gets to be a part of...but it's smart to keep your chapters small. Mine is about 4 or 5 people depending on the topic at hand. Any larger and you start running into problems....this is a whole other discussion that I'm not quite ready for.

But on another note, it is certainly an honor to be part of this club, a membership in which we all hope to pass on to a daughter of our own one day.

P.S.- If you find that you are not currently part of a blah-blah sisterhood group, find one fast- the members jackets are fabulous, the clubhouses have good candles, and the snacks are chocolate covered-as all good snacks should be.

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