Sunday, July 12, 2015

No Mayo Deviled Eggs

Hey everyone!!

I have to say that I am so grateful to be writing about food today. Why, you ask??
Because I am finally able to eat it again!

I recently had to endure some painful dental surgery, which left me able to eat pretty much nothing. So unless you guys wanted me to write about how to warm up some soup in the microwave or open a bottle of nutritional shake...I literally had nothin' for ya! 

Fortunately, I am finally on the mend and I am starting to eat real foods again, Hallelujah!!
In order to avoid unnecessary pain, I have slowly been introducing foods that are still easy to eat.
Enter...the egg.

You guys, I have something to admit.
But, they are soft and are loaded with protein which I needed to heal so, blaaahhhhh.

Scrambles eggs.....gross.
Eggs Benedict smothered in Hollandaise sauce on top of Canadian bacon we are getting somewhere.

For me eggs have to be either covered in something or mixed in with something to be palatable, but I was brave and decided to try my hand at deviled eggs. 
Even though I had actually helped make deviled eggs a bunch of times with my mom when I was younger, for parties and such, I had never actually tried one. 

Although a lot of people seemed to like my moms deviled eggs growing up, I wanted to try something different than the classic recipe, by omitting one of the main ingredients.
Exit....the mayo. 

I'm not a fan of mayo...the smell, the look, or the taste. (You want to know one of the main ingredients of's eggs, go figure) Now, in my mind including mayo in my recipe just sounded like stuffing eggs with more eggs, and that's not something that sounded too great to me. Instead, I opted to use ingredients that I typically like!!

So here it is, ladies and gentlemen....the no mayo deviled egg.
And I liked it!!!

*This recipe makes enough for a party or event, but I quartered it in these pictures so that it was just a little snack for Kevin and I. 

8 large eggs
3 Tablespoons Greek yogurt
1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 Tablespoon sweet pickle relish
1/4 teaspoon salt
Paprika and dill for garnish

Put the eggs in a pot and fill with cold water until they are completely covered. 
Bring the water to a boil.

Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat, and put a lid on the pot. (Keep the pot on the burner)
Let sit for 12 minutes. 

Drain the water, and place the eggs in a bowl filled with ice water.
Leave in the ice water until they are completely cooled.
I think mine only took about 5 minutes...but I was only making two, so they probably cooled faster than if you had a whole bowl filled with them. 
Finally, peel your eggs. 

Putting them in ice water makes them so much easier to peel and keeps them looking pretty!

If nothing else, I was determined for my eggs to look pretty. 

Cut the eggs in half, and scoop the yolks into a bowl. 

Mash them up with a fork and then add the remaining ingredients. 

If your mixture looks too dry, add either more yogurt or more mustard. Taste test it first, to see which flavor it could use more of. 

Spoon your mixture back into the whites.
Garnish with paprika and dill.