Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What I've Been Doing Instead Of Blogging

So lately I have felt a little guilty about ONLY posting recipes and neglecting my "lifes funny moments" posts. 

To alleviate this guilt I thought I might talk about some of the other things that I have been up to that have caused my absence.  

And in case you haven't noticed, the blog looks different!! This is because I decided that my colors were looking a little springy/summery....and I was hating it. So I decided to make things more...seasonal. Look forward to more changes as the seasons go by. :) 

So here it goes: 

- Drinking copious amounts of coffee. A new Starbucks opened close to my house, and it has a drive through...enough said.

- Getting hypothermia at work. No amount of clothing is helping me at this point. 

- LIVING, BREATHING, AND EATING COCONUT OIL. Now Kevin (and just about everyone else) has informed me that he is tired of hearing about my obsession so I won't bore you with all of my uses for it, but the list is about a million pages long. All I'm going to say is that, for your own good, look them up!!! I've replaced about 7 beauty products with it so is natural and magical!!! Just make sure you get organic, virgin, unrefined, and cold pressed...yes, it makes a difference. 

- Wandering wide eyed and aimlessly around Fresh Market. I've discovered it...and I'm in love.

- Trying, UNSUCCESSFULLY, to eat as healthy as I can.

- Not fitting into any of my pants (see above). 

- Trying to decide if I should start to exercise or just buy all new pants.

- Getting angry at the leaves for not changing color.

- Making this wreath with this pretty bow!!

- Decorating my pumpkin with this pretty bow!! 
(By the way I'm going to pretend I thought of this because it's adorable, but pretty much it was the laziest way I could get away with "decorating" my pumpkin. After thinking long and hard I have discovered that my life motto lately has been "when in doubt, slap a bow on it"...I've had no complaints so far.)

- Filling my apartment with all things cinnamon scented.

- Getting really excited about the approach of black Friday shopping...list making will ensue shortly.

- Using this really attractive face mask twice a week. 

- Continuing my annual obsession with The Walking Dead and American Horror Story. 

- Taking pictures of my favorite model. 

- Eating A LOT of almonds. 

- Reading other blogs. 

- Witnessing this masterpiece being created by A Sweet Sensation.

- Avoiding installing this mess that Comcast sent me...unfortunately I have to get on this soon because they want the old modem back....sigh. I think I've glanced at the instructions a half dozen times and have resorted to putting it off further. Hey, at least I finally took everything out of the's progress. 

- Letting my hair do whatever the hell it wants...and kind of loving the results.

- Overhauling all of my makeup. Pretty much Bare Minerals is my life now, and it feels amazing and natural!!

- Completely washing and detailing my car, only to have it look filthy again a few days later, naturally.

- Spending way to much time on Pinterest....what else is new.

- Coming up with a million things to blog about, but not having enough time or energy to actually write about them.

So there you have it. This is where I've been and what I've been doing. I feel better now that I have explained myself. 

Enjoy the new look of the blog! 

P.S. Sorry if the new color combination I have used offends anyone. I am aware that it is football season and I am just letting everyone who is not an FSU fan know, this was not on purpose....garnet and gold are just a really nice fall color combination. I wouldn't get used to it though, I will probably go through about a million more color changes before I decide on one I love enough to live with.

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