Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas...Like A Lady

Well, well, well it's that time of year again.
That time when we all take a moment to reflect on the people and things we are grateful for in our lives and gift the ones we love with hand picked presents. 

You want to know what crossed my mind a few times this cheerful season....
Why does Christmas have to be "womens work"???
Why is it that Christmas has to be so much work for the ladies while the men in our lives get to sit back and enjoy the spoils?  

Lets examine the evidence shall we...

Exhibit A: Shopping for gifts
Why is it that I spent every day scouring the planet for perfectly thought out presents for over a month? Why is it that I spent nights after work in department stores until ungodly hours, only to finally go home practically crippled due to the lack of appropriate shopping footwear? (Sneakers ladies...sneakers) Why do I do this?....because I care.
My dad waits until Christmas Eve every year to START his Christmas shopping. You want to know who is brought along to be the sidekick in this extravagant display of or my sister. Someone has to go with him or who knows what my poor mother would receive on Christmas morning. (He once went shopping without me and got her a dust pan....a giant yellow obnoxious dust pan) Once we have finished this yearly epic department store battle alongside countless other scrambling men who are scouring the mall for last minute gifts, he says "well that was easy, I don't know what you girls complain about every year".
Or there is the other type of man who buys a bunch of gift cards and cigars for "his boys", dusts off his hands and calls it a year. Yeah that doesn't sound like any boyfriend I know....

Exhibit B: Holiday Treats 
This is a rip giant yearly rip off!!
Somehow every year we find ourselves elbows deep in flour, making holiday cookies and other treats to give away to our neighbors, friends, and coworkers and where are the men you ask? Their batting their eyes from the sofa while asking for a glass of milk to wash those treats down with.
You want to know the only thing women gain from holiday cookies......weight!!
By the time I'm done shopping for gifts and wrapping them, I'm half asleep on the sofa watching "Boardwalk Empire" while simultaneously drowning the pain from my aching feet with some good old fashioned classic chocolate chip. I then head straight to bed while my good jeans are sobbing in my dresser drawer saying "I'll see you after you make your New Years resolution to get in shape".
Maybe next year I won't even make cookies, since everyone has magically become allergic to gluten anyways and I don't know if I can bring myself to go through the learning curve of making anything gluten free taste remotely edible.

Exhibit C: Holiday Cards
Holiday cards are a dirty rotten game I just can't win.
Not surprisingly I have to be the one burdened with the responsibility of thinking of a way to represent our entire year as a couple in one's impossible.
I'm lucky to get one picture (or picture session) a year from Kevin and that has to be good enough to count as my Facebook profile picture, our holiday picture, my birthday picture, his birthday picture, our engagement picture (if that should happen within that particular year), valentines picture, St. Patrick's day picture, etc. etc. etc.
If sending out a Christmas card with our picture on it has to involve me being around an extremely unhappy Kevin with a festive jingling Santa Claus hat on for any length of time, I'm going to have to take a hard pass on having a card for the year.
Hats off to the ladies who manage to get their kids to sit still long enough to get a picture where their not crying or hitting their sibling over the head with a candy cane, you are much stronger than I am.

So, what shall we do about this?
Yes we could boycott but lets face it, when it comes to Christmas...we are the magic and things just wouldn't be the same without us.
So next year we will trudge on like usual and make everything sparkle and taste amazing.

We all know that Mrs. Claus is the real reason all those gifts get out on time anyways...just sayin'. 

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