Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Gift Of Food

So there will be no "Tasty Sunday" recipe today's my birthday!!!!!

I find it funny that my friends and family know me so well that they gift me with food, leaving me with the pleasure of doing absolutely no work on my birthday which means the only thing I have to do is sit back and gorge myself....which consequently means that I gain five pounds every year on my birthday. 

Since I will not be cooking today, I instead decided to list all of the delicious things I have had the pleasure of eating this far. 

First off, my sisters present to me was going wine tasting!!! We went to the Endless Summer Winery and Vineyard and I am not usually a big fan of wine, but I have to say I loved just about every single one I tasted!
This place is great, and allows you to bring your own picnic, so that once you've tasted all their wine, you can pick one (or many) you like and go enjoy the grounds while snacking. We brought cheese, prosciutto, fruit, and crackers and stuffed our faces under their pavilion. I can't wait to go back and of course get some more wine!!! 

Later that night we went to an Italian restaurant named Casa Mia and sat on the patio while eating butternut squash raviolis with a browned butter sauce....yes I said browned butter sauce. My mouth is watering now just thinking about it!! I highly recommend it.  

As if my lovely sister didn't feed me enough, after we got back to her place she gave me my peanut butter birthday cupcake. Chocolate cake, with a peanut butter frosting (which tasted like peanut butter pie!!!) and a chocolate ganache was extreme!!!

Well today is my actual birthday and Kevin continued his tradition of getting me birthday donuts, and then later we are going to dinner. 

Let's just say I'm going to have to get serious about a diet after this weekend....but it was worth it. 

P.S. All I really want for my birthday is my hot water heater to finally be fixed....welcome to adulthood. 

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