Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Being The Little Fish

You know that phrase you here in those casino movies when a big time gambler walks into the room and everyone says "here comes the big fish"? Well right now I like to call myself...the little fish (affectionately of course, I mean geez gambling away my hard earned money scares the daylights out of me). 

I successfully completed my undergraduate degree last May, and although I was delighted to end my twenty year journey through school, I then had my "holy crap what I'm I doing" moment. I seem to recall a certain plan made by a certain little girl that looked a lot different than what my everyday consists of now. Of course I didn't expect to actually move into an all pink apartment with my best friend, but I did expect many more check marks in the boxes on my list of goals.

I always dreamed of landing my dream job right out of college. I did everything I was supposed to: stayed out of trouble in high school, went to the same college as my two siblings, graduated with a 3.7 GPA in  four years (which is sadly actually really hard to do these days). As g-day (graduation day) quickly approached, none of the very few jobs that I was "qualified" for had called me. Luckily my sister in law was leaving her job to move to Texas with my brother just when I was graduating and I was able to sneak right into her position. It had nothing to do with the degree I had dedicated my last four years to, but hey it paid the rent and it had health insurance!!! 

I figured I could work there temporarily, because of course my "real" job was going to call any minute....six months tops!!! Well, well, well, here we are almost a year later, and where am I you ask?? Still at my last minute job. Believe me, I definitely know I am lucky to have a job period but I refuse to let myself settle down here in south Florida forever!!!

My generation is often referred to as generation Y, or as my sister says, generation "the world is your oyster". The world is your oyster....that's what we were told by the people that we looked up to, and we all bought it. Well as I said before, I did what everyone told me to do, as did many others in my situation, but guess what......I broke that oyster open, and someone had stolen the pearl!! It's definitely easy to feel like a little fish swimming against the current in this big old ocean, but if watching Finding Nemo a million times taught me anything, it's that there's a lot to learn out there in the deep blue, even for a little fish.
 Oh yeah, and just keep swimming of course!

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