Wednesday, July 9, 2014

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?!?!

So the other day on my favorite radio station, the topic of the day was "pet peeves". So as I sat in traffic at a dead stop, it wasn't hard for me to think up a few things that really...grind my gears!

People Who Drive With Their Flashers On Because It's Raining
It's not an emergency's rain! 
It happens every day in Florida at three o'clock between the months of May and September. If you are doing this you'll be sure to get a dirty look from me when I'm passing you by. Not that you'll notice because you'll also be white knuckling your steering wheel and starring straight ahead with deer in the headlights eyeballs.

When Taco Bell Leaves Something Out Of My Burrito!
There is nothing worse than having a newbie make your burrito at Taco Bell. They are sure to leave your favorite ingredient out...e.g. the avocado ranch sauce in my chicken bueno. Nobody likes a dry burrito, just saying. 

When People Avoid Their Birthday
Why anybody would want to skip their birthday is beyond me. I'll agree that accepting the fact that another year has come and gone so quickly is a hard pill to swallow, but why would you want to skip out on a day completely dedicated to you!?! This is the only day of the year when people give you presents without requiring anything in return. Plus you can eat a box of donuts for breakfast, Chipotle for lunch, spaghetti for dinner, and ten funfetti cupcakes for dessert. 
F.Y.I. My birthday is coming up pretty soon, just in case anyone was wondering, and wants to send me something :) 

When I Get Skipped At A Four Way Stop
To leave my neighborhood I have no choice but to go through a four way stop, and let me tell you...people have zero stopping etiquette! Who are these people who know it's not their turn to go, yet go anyways and where did they learn to drive? The worst is when they know it's not their turn, make eye contact with you, and then go anyways...gah!!!

People Who Wear Shoes In The House
Maybe it's the Florida native in me speaking, but it drives me crazy when people wear shoes in the house...even if it's their own house! If I don't have to wear shoes, I'm not wearing them. My poor mother would cringe at the fact that I would never where shoes while playing outside as a child. Especially when in the house, it's time to take your shoes off and get weirdos!

Over Sanitizers
I never knew these people existed until recently, when I had to work with one. There are people out there that practically bath in hand sanitizer.....thats right....they put it places other than their hands. Rubbing that stuff on your arms, face, and even in your hair can't be, that just ain't right.

Electronic Devices At Dinner
I don't care if I will be considered a lame parent, but my children will never be using their cell phone, ipad, laptop, or whatever else comes into existence by that time, at the dinner table. I can't take anybody seriously that sits down at a restaurant and immediately whips out their ipad. Nothing can be that important that it gives you an excuse to be rude to the other people around you. Even if you say it's  for work...I have some news for you....people were successful at their jobs for a long time before ipads and cell phones existed. Don't even get me started at people who shove an electronic device in front of their child to keep them occupied...just no. 

There you have it. The pet peeves of Little Fish Livin'. 
If you have any ridiculous pet peeves...leave a comment! I'd love to hear them!

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