Sunday, August 17, 2014

Super Quick 7 Up Biscuits

These last couple of weeks have been ones for the books.
If you haven't noticed, I haven't posted any "Life" blog posts, and last week there was no "Tasty Sunday" recipe.
Between being crazy busy at work and issues at my apartment, any amount of spare time I have had has been spent sleeping or trying to relax. 

Work is the busiest that it has ever been between a growing number of clients and half of our team still in training. Lets just say that I didn't cook dinner for a long time because by the time I actually got home, there was no way I had any energy left. 
Just when work was starting to simmer down.....catastrophe struck. 

Just as I was climbing into bed at 11 o'clock on Tuesday, I smelled a familiar terrifying smell that no one wants to smell in their house.....the smell of an electric fire. If you have never smelled this before, once you do it will be something that you will always recognize.

Once the lights flickered on and off and I heard a pop, I knew I was in for some trouble. Turns out that the drainage pipe for our AC system had become so clogged with algae and other gunk (gross I know) that it had backed up all the way to the coils and was pouring water straight down into the electrical panel of my hot water heater below it.

Well we all know how much electricity and water love each other. 
Long story short, I had a fried water heater and an AC I couldn't run without water pouring everywhere.
I think I got a total of three hours sleep that night...with no AC. :( 

Friday night my landlord came over to replace the water heater, and little old me assumed that it would be as simple as unplugging the old one and plugging in the new one....not so much. Fast forward almost four hours later and we have hot water. The set up isn't pretty but it seems to be operational for now, even though my AC still seems to be dripping some water. Like everything else in this apartment, it seems as though a cheap band-aid was placed on the problem and Kevin and I just pray it stays in place until it's time to leave. 

Enough with my sob story and on to this weeks recipe!!
I was in need of some good comfort food this week, and biscuits seemed to be the perfect fix. 
Like most people, I always used to think that making biscuits that didn't come in a can were way to much work, until I found this recipe!!!

7-Up biscuits are nothing new and are no secret but I never realized just how easy they could be. With only three ingredients, I felt like I had this recipe in the bag!

Turns out, they are just as easy as they sound!

2 cups of Bisquick 
1/2 cup of sour cream
1/2 cup of 7 Up 
1/4 cup of butter 

You will also need a 9x9 inch pan.
Another reason I have never made biscuits is because I thought I would need to buy all these special tools. When I came to thinking about it, I realized that a dough cutter can easily be replaced by a whisk (or fingers) and a round biscuit cutter can be replaced by a round drinking glass!!

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

Dump 2 cups of Bisquick into a large bowl. 
Add a 1/2 cup of sour cream and "cut" it in. 
"Cutting" the dough refers to incorporating something soft and thick into a dry flour mixture to make a crumbly texture. Usually this technique is used with butter, but in this case we use sour cream!!
Usually a dough cutter is used but I didn't feel like buying one, so I thought I would use a whisk...but that became annoying so I used my hands (the best utensil I have) until it looked like this..

Add 1/2 cup of 7 Up.
I again mixed everything with my hands until incorporated. 
It will be very goopy and sticky, but don't worry!!

Clear a large, CLEAN surface and sprinkle thoroughly with Bisquick. 
Plop your dough right in the middle. 

Generously sprinkle more Bisquick onto the dough. Gently fold in Bisquick just until the dough is no longer sticky, and then pat into a flat circle as big as you can make it while keeping the dough about 1/4 inch thick. 
When I looked up this recipe, they all said that there would be no need for a rolling pin and I didn't believe them!! I am used to working with pizza dough, that is constantly trying to shrink and change. This dough goes exactly where you want it to and it was amazing. 

Using either a biscuit cutter or a round glass, cut 9 biscuits. If you can't cut 9 out of your circle, just take the scraps and make into a new circle to cut the rest. 

Place your butter in your pan and put into the oven, just until it's melted. 
Use a spatula to easily get your biscuit off of your surface and into your pan. 

Bake in the oven for 12 minutes or until they are golden brown. 
Remove from the oven, and if your like Kevin eat them in about 2 seconds. 

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