Monday, June 23, 2014

Little Known Facts About Little Fish Livin'

So I was thinking today that I might give you all some insight into this little mind by sharing some fun facts about myself....enjoy.

I sweep my whole apartment at least once a day
I have a boyfriend with the capability of tracking in all of South Florida into our apartment on the bottom of his boots every I have this thing about my feet getting sandy when I walk barefoot in my own house...I don't like it. 

I have zero short term memory 
I can remember learning how to read Dick and Jane books with my mom in the first grade but not the name of the person I just shook hands with five seconds ago. My short term memory is atrocious. If you meet me in person, make sure I repeat your name at least a million times and then write it down a million's the only way I'll remember it. Ask me what I was wearing the first day of kindergarten and I'm good, ask me what I ate for lunch yesterday, not so good. 

My favorite meal is...
Well I would say the entire feast of Thanksgiving, but as far as a normal meal goes I'd have to say roasted lemon pepper chicken and mashed potatoes....all smothered in chicken gravy of coarse...with sweet tea....and then chocolate fudge brownie ice cream for dessert...ok I have to stop now, I'm starting to drool. 

I organize my closet by color
I'm a blind mess in the morning while trying to get ready for work. If I didn't make it as easy as possible to pick out an outfit I would sit in there all day, and probably fall back asleep...while standing. Crazier things have happened. I may or may not have done the same thing in Kevin's closet...

Words I hate
Roaches...oh wait I just hate those in general 

Words I love

I wish it was fall all year long
Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year...which is funny because I live in Florida, where it pretty much doesn't exist, but I a girl can dream right? Even in Florida the air changes in the's time to take a deep breath, because summer is over! Plus fall clothes are cuter, the decorations are prettier, the colors are beautiful, the smells are glorious, the coffee is better, and you can eat pumpkin pie for months!

I eat the same thing for breakfast every day 
Special K Protein Plus....I will never get tired of it. It's delicious and nutritious. I would say go try some, but then it might catch on, and the store will always be out....I can't run that risk so just take my word for it.

I wash my dishes by hand even though I have a dishwasher   
Ok, ok go ahead and call me crazy now and get it out of your's ok, go ahead and do it. I know this sounds ridiculous, but there are a couple of reasons:
We never have enough dishes to run a full load from one day
I'm not letting nasty dirty dishes sit in there for more than one day
I refuse to run it, and waste water if it isn't full
My glasses and silverware get ten times cleaner if I do it myself's kind of relaxing while listening to my music.

I can listen to the same song a million times in a row
If I have a song stuck in my head, I can listen to it over and over...and over. 
Song of the moment....Rude by Magic!
That sucker gets stuck on the brain bad!

I'm an impostor, sometimes
Sometimes if there is a bug in the house I pretend to be afraid of it, even if I'm not so that Kevin will rescue me. So what, I like to feel like a damsel in distress sometimes...except if there is a cockroach staring me in the eye...then I'm a screaming five year old little girl for real.

So there you have it, me in a tiny nutshell.
There are many more tidbits I could share...but a lady has to stay mysterious you know. 


  1. Re: "I can listen to the same song a million times in a row." I feel you there! In college my friends would always know what the "song of the week" was because it would be playing incessantly from my dorm room. :0) Should I sign my name a few times to help your short term memory loss?! :0) And PS- "moist" is my runner-up for least favorite word of all time.

    1. Dare I ask what the #1 least favorite word of all time is?
