Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Looking Back From The Other Side: The Horrors Of College Exam Week Post Graduation

Twice a year a time used to come along where I was allowed to be a complete basket case and no one could judge me for it, because all I had to say was one little word;

For me, this time in my life has passed but for millions of college students around the country now is their time to be crazy.

Back in the day (you know, like last year) I was a poster child for exam week stress, just like I was at the end of every semester of school.
I had all the typical warning signs of girl at the edge of insanity:

-The blood shot eyes from not sleeping.

-The energy drink and coffee jitters caused by the caffeine running through my veins.

-The crazy hair thrown up in the birds nest I liked to call a bun.

- The sweatshirt I had been wearing for a week straight because it's the only thing that kept me somewhat calm and comfortable.

-Eating popcorn or spaghettios every night because they were the only things I could think of that required no effort.

Yup, this was me.

I thought I was starting to forget what this feeling of panic was like, until recently that is. Because when your living with someone who is still having to go through this horror, you are forced to experience it as well, just through a different perspective.

I first realized this time of the semester was upon us when going to pick Kevin up from campus.
While driving through the streets, students would randomly just decide they no longer wanted to walk on the sidewalk and would start drifting off into traffic. 
Having to be on my game and watch out for rogue jaywalking students, I thought to myself that one of three things must be happening:

1. The students contracted a zombie virus and are starting to mindlessly wander around without any regard for their own safety on the hunt for brains...of course.

2. Kids these days have no regard for anyone else around them, therefore they say "I'm going to step in front of this car, because they have to stop for me" (probably the most likely reason).

3. Or, exam week is coming and no one can be bothered by thinking about anything other than how the hell they are going to pass physics.

 There is one thing about finals week that I can honestly say I miss.
That feeling after I finished my last exam and I became free for three months!!!!
This is a feeling that no one should take for granted because sadly, once you have a full time job this will never happen again.

Since this time of my life has passed main responsibility has become being as supportive of a partner as possible while my other half bears through it. This responsibility includes but is not limited too:

-Being content with living the life of a single person for a while because you will be; eating alone, sleeping alone, watching movies alone etc. etc.

-Not letting your OCD get the best of you and cleaning when there are papers spread out over every flat surface of your household. If you even tough anything they won't be able to find that one paper that you moved and now the world is over!!

-Hiding the remote control for the xbox. It will be rough, but they will thank you in the long run....I think.

-Smacking some sense into them, when they think they are just to tired to go to their group meeting and the project is due the next day.

For those of you who are still struggling through this hell week, good luck and keep studying. For those in the supporting role to your unlucky counterpart, stay strong, it's almost over. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Banana Bread

Ok, so after making Frozen Chocolate Covered Banana Peanut Butter Sandwiches a few weeks ago I kind of kept on a banana craze.

Well after a while I just couldn't keep up with how fast the little suckers were ripening, so I found myself with four ripe bananas and nothing to do with them.

When in excess of the fruit, it's time to make banana bread.

This is not a banana NUT bread because I hate nuts in my food but add nuts into yours if your a fan. 

This recipe is so incredibly easy, and everyone will be impressed on how it looks and how amazing it tastes!

This is what your going to need:
1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of sugar
2 eggs 
4 ripe bananas 
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla
and a loaf pan

My bananas were frozen, thats why they look so weird. I do not
recommend freezing while they are still in the peel.
They become impossible to peel and it's not a pleasant process. 

First, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt in a bowl.

In a separate mixing bowl, add the sugar and softened butter. 

Mix until fluffy. 

Next, your going to mash the bananas and yes it's going to look gross. 

Add those mashed bananas and eggs to your mixing bowl, and mix until blended. 

Next your going to sift your four. I used to never do this, but the more I bake the more I realize how much better it makes things taste texture wise.
If you don't have a sifter, don't panic.
I have made plenty of recipes without following the directions and sifting, and they have turned out just fine. 

Sift your flour mixture into your mixing bowl, and add the vanilla. 

Mix until completely blended. 

Next, your going to prep your loaf pan. 
Spray the pan with cooking spray and then sprinkle with flour to further prevent sticking. 
Knock out any excess. 
(Adding the flour is yet another thing that most people avoid when baking but it really does help)

Add your mixture, and at this point it will already smell amazing!

Pop it in the oven at 350 degrees for 60 minutes.

At the end, this is what it will look like!!

While baking, don't get freaked out about how dark the outside is getting.
 Everything will be ok!! 
With all of the natural sugars in the bananas this crust forms on the outside but don't worry, it's not as tough as it looks. In fact even the crust stays moist in this recipe and it's actually my favorite part!

After the pan is completely cooled, run a dull knife around the edge to loosen it up and it should come out easy peasy. 

To keep fresh, I would recommend wrapping it in plastic wrap. 
It is not necessary to refrigerate but you can if you like.
If you do refrigerate, the bread will become harder when you cut it. Just pop your slice in the microwave for a couple of seconds and it will be delicious, soft, and warm!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hash Brown Potato Bake

First off, Happy Easter!

Whenever there is a family event such as Easter, these potatoes are an easy must have.

They are cheesy, they are gooey, they are crunchy, and they are full of carbs. What more can you ask for in one delicious comfort food?

Here is a list of ingredients:
  • 1 bag of frozen hash brown potatoes with peppers and onions. Otherwise known as Potatoes O'Brien
  • 1/8 cup of milk
  • 8oz. of sour cream 
  • 1 can of cream of chicken soup
  • 8oz. of shredded cheddar cheese
and for the topping
  • 2 Tbs. of melted butter
  • 1 cup of crushed corn flakes 
*Before you start this recipe, take your hash brown potatoes out of the freezer and allow them to thaw. 

First shred 8oz. of cheddar cheese....plus some extra to snack on.

In a large pot, heat the cream of chicken soup on low/medium until it breaks down and becomes more fluid.

Next, add the sour cream and milk, then mix until blended.

Pour the cheese into the pot, and stir until all of it is melted and delicious. 

Mix in your thawed hash brown potatoes. 

Grease a 9x11 inch baking dish and pour your mixture in.

After you have mastered the cheesy, gooey part of this dish, it's time to add the crunch.

Pour about a cup of corn flakes into a plastic bag, and take your frustrations out on it by crushing them up.

Mix your corn flakes with 2Tbs. of melted butter and sprinkle them on top of the potatoes.

Pop them into the oven for 1 hour at 350 degrees, and enjoy!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life's A Garden

Hey, lets start a garden!!
Because I have an apartment, I can't have a real garden but I have done my best with what I have to work with. 
Plus it was a fun crafty thing to do on a rainy Sunday!

I planted herbs to use for cooking.
Things always taste better when you have to work hard for them!
Starting a garden from seed has not only given me useful skills on how to provide my own food but has also taught me some lessons that I have applied towards life.

To get what you want you have to work towards it every day
For plants this means watering, snipping off the dead leaves, and positioning them in the right light.
Without doing these things, what you worked hard for is just going to wilt away.

Bugs are going to come along
Even on a second floor screened in balcony, I can't keep the bugs away all the time.
They are always popping up in one plant when I just got rid of them in another (you could probably avoid this by growing your plants indoors)
This can also be applied to life.
Bugs are always going to be popping up and instead of freaking out about it, you can choose another solution.
Try an extermination method on the infected plant, or if the whole crop is infected replant and start over. 

Fill Your Life With Simple Happiness 
There are few things as simple as seeing your little seeds first sprout that can make someone so happy.
It's simple, it's cheap, and it brings a lot of joy.
You should try it!!!

Here are some pictures of my herb garden plus a few other plants I have on my balcony.

I rescued this little book shelf from a neighbor that was going to throw it away. 
Perfect for the patio. 

I've had this cactus since freshman year of college in the dorms, when it was just a little baby. Look at it now!!

To replicate this craft, you are going to need:
Large mouth mason jars
Potting Soil
Seeds of your choice
Small rocks 
In the bottom of your mason jars place a layer of rocks. These are used to help the water drain from the soil since you can't drill a hole in the bottom of the jar.
Fill with potting soil 3/4 of the way.
Sprinkle some seeds.
Fill with potting soil the rest of the way.
And water!!

I would recommend growing your herbs indoors, on a well lite widow sill. Unfortunately I didn't have a window in a good position for this.

Now that I've conquered plants, maybe I am ready for a pet!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

What Makes A Good Southern Girl....A Floridians Edition

Lately I have been seeing a lot of posts online talking about what makes a southern girl, so I have decided to have a break down of my own.

Being a Florida native, I often hear people say Florida is not really considered the South. Well let me tell you this is a lie! I'm about as south as you can get while still being in the United States so I think I deserve the accreditation. 
So let me give the low down on what makes a good southern girl, from a Floridians perspective. 

Knowing How To Make/Enjoy The Elixir Of The South. Iced Tea!
Lets get one thing straight. It HAS to be sweet!
Whenever I go somewhere and ask for sweet tea, and they say that they only have unsweetened a shiver runs down my spine and I quickly realize that I am far outside my comfort zone.
I prefer to make mine the old fashion way, in my good ole sun tea jar on the back porch....plus one cup of sugar (I try to block out how much sugar I add out of my brain)
P.S. It really does taste better when your drinking it out of a mason jar.

 Not Being Afraid Of Getting Dirty
A good southern girl saves herself  a whole lot of over reacting by just giving in to the dirt. 
Embracing this state of mind opens up a world of possibilities, because remember that soap cures all and getting dirty can be fun!
This means not being afraid of
Fish Slim
Dog Slobber
Horse Manure
Etc. Etc. Etc.
A special skill southern girls have perfected is being dirty and still looking pretty.

Knowing Your Camo Limitations 
A lot of people think that southerners love to douse themselves in camo. Well I'm not going to lie, some do.
I love my camo, but a good southern girl must know her limitations. 
This means not going overboard (i.e., wedding dresses, prom dresses etc.)
The key here is that if your not actually hunting, you know....like in the woods, there is no need to wear it from head to toe. Think more along the lines of accessorizing. 

Taking Care Of Your Man
Southern women love to take care of their men (but that doesn't mean we take any lip from them!!) 
Just one example of taking care of your man is being in charge of cutting his hair because: 
1. Knowing how to cut your mans hair saves a lot of money over the years. 
2. You get to be in control of his hair style, therefore having the power to make it the way that it should be.
Remember, they are helpless without us really.

Having A Protective Momma 
Everyone loves a southern momma.
They cook good food.
They spoil you.
They always treat you like their baby, even when your an adult.
They will kick someones butt for you.
They act like a momma to all your friends, and neighbors, and acquaintances so pretty much everyone.

When it comes down to it the most important part of being a southern girl is taking pride in where you come from....even when people tell you that your from Florida, which isn't the South.

Shout out to all my southern Florida girls!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Anywhere But There!!! 5 Things I Have Done To Avoid The Grocery Store.

It's that time again.
Grocery shopping.


We all despise it, but unfortunately it is a ritual we must endure on a regular basis. I have a feeling that like me, most of you have come up with some pretty crazy ideas on how to put it off for as long as possible.

Here are a few ways to put this task off, that I have personal experience with.

1. Rummaging The Pantry For Hidden Treasures
Ok, I'm going to go where we all have been but are ashamed to say we go.
The back of the pantry.
I have a very narrow yet deep pantry so things tend to get pushed back into the deep abyss and forgotten about. Therefore I often find some odd things, such as:

1. A questionably dated can of tuna (I actually didn't eat that one)
2. A pack of Ramen noodles from college that has somehow made it through two moves

The possibilities are endless (well sort of), and it means I can go one more day without going to the store so I'd say that's a success.  

2. Blaming It On The Weather
Don't laugh at me, but I actually take this into consideration. If it is raining, there is no way on Earth I am going to the grocery store!
Wet weather and grocery stores mean multiple things, none of them pleasant:
  • Grumpy people
  • Wet carts
  • Slippery floors
  • Wet clothes in the frozen food section (yeah) 
  • And one miserable boyfriend for sure
I also can't make it to the store if the weather is to nice, because that's just plain torture for the soul. So pretty much it has to be somewhere in between pleasant and miserable outside.
You can see my dilemma here.

3. Blaming It On The Day Of The Week
Like I have mentioned before I live around a lot of elderly people, who reside in retirement communities.
Thankfully some of these communities have the option to take a communal bus to places around town such as the grocery store which means they are not driving.
The downside is that if you are unfortunate enough to have bad timing, you could be stuck in an already horrible place with two bus loads of elderly people which means you've just doubled your shopping time.
If I roll up to the store and there are buses parked in front of the entrance, my car is turning around and going home. I have had to endure many painful encounters to figure out when these drop off days of the week are, but I have gotten it down pretty good.
Also, don't ever go shopping on Sunday when church just gets out, it's the most crowded time of the week. I don't know what the deal is with people worshiping and buying food on the same day, but trust me don't go there.

4. We Can Have Popcorn For Dinner Again Right?
Popcorn is a genius invention, thought of by someone who wanted a tasty and cheap food that was going to fill their families bellies without actually cooking.
Ok, I don't know about that last part but it is definitely what I use it for.
I think I can milk this for at least another five years...or until I have kids and have to give them something with some nutritious value.
Everyone loves popcorn, so it's ok!

5. I Can Make This Last A Little Longer
Listen, there are a lot of things besides food that I have made stretch just to avoid visiting the store. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Toothpaste- that tube is going to be flatter than a pancake when I'm done with it. If your a weakling like me and can't seem to get that last bit out bring out the heavy artillery. Flattening it with something heavy will do just fine. My favorite heavy tool around the house...my college Biology textbook (this makes me think of another blog post, "Odd uses for your Bio book after you've graduated").
Shampoo and Conditioner- your lying if your a girl and say that you have never done the add water and shake method of extending the life of that bottle for a couple more days.
Although, you must know the limits of this prolonging your products practice.
When your out, you are REALLY out.

When it comes to laziness and food you could always just go hungry (not preferred), and even though my boyfriend says I starve him on a regular basis DON'T BELIEVE HIM.
I feed him at least once a week.